I Can Run CIC COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Carried out by: Gillian Fry
Date carried out: September 9th 2020
Date of next review: Ongoing review in line with government recommendations
Identification of Hazard
Spreading coronavirus amongst I Can Run participants. This may be by respiration from, or physical contact with, a participant during an I Can Run session.
Who Might be Harmed?
All participants are at a risk of contracting coronavirus, however, run leaders have a higher risk, should they need to assist/supply first aid to a participant within their designated group.
Actions to Control the Risk
3.1 Each run session in any location must consist of one run leader and a maximum of five runners.
3.2 All participants must book via the TeamApp, which will limit the number of participants per session which will be reviewed when government guidelines change.
3.3 All participants are to respect the 2 metre social distancing rule.
3.4 Run Leader to ensure a signed copy of the Return To Running Agreement has been provided by each attendee and that they are fit to participate, (appendix A) before returning to running. Any member that refuses to do this, must leave the session. The Run Leader will keep spare copies and pens in the event that of an attendee being unable to complete a copy in advance.
3.5 At any time, if the participant has needed to isolate or contract coronavirus, a new Return to Running form must be completed. I Can Run CIC reserve the right to request a new form to be completed at any time.
3.5 For the purposes of Track and Trace, the attendance must be accurately recorded via TeamApp by the Run Leader.
3.6 In the event of an incident where close assistance is required, all participants involved, must wear face coverings. Spare disposable masks will be in the Run Leader’s kit. Refusal to wear a mask may mean the runner will not be assisted.
3.7 No sharing of equipment. This includes drinks, food, gymbosses and mobile phones.
3.8 Run Leaders to have a fully stocked Run Leader’s kit for each session.
3.9 All Run Leaders to be trained and made aware of their responsibilities in terms of COVID-19 control and I Can Run Requirements.